Maintenance & Repairs
Why re-roof if it isn’t necessary? Let the commercial roofing experts at Emmons come in and evaluate your roof system and propose a way to prolong the life of your existing roof system. We will give you an honest evaluation of your existing conditions and won’t recommend a re-roof if it isn’t needed. No need to pay for something you don’t need!
Like with an automobile, maintenance will prolong the life expectancy of the system and protect your investment. Let Emmons repair your roof or possibly recoat your existing system to prolong the life of the roof and provide additional warranties as well.
Leaks? Our experts will come out to your site to evaluate leaks and submit a proposal for repair. If your situation involves leaking during a rain, let Emmons send a qualified technician out to track down and repair your problem on an emergency basis. Pricing upon request.
CONTACT US or call us 1 (844) 894-0877